Teaching about cycle awareness

Teaching about cycle awareness

In June 2024, I taught a class called How to Support your Creative Business through Cycle Awareness. It was held at the Black River Tattoo Convention here in my hometown of Port Huron, Michigan. The goal, as reflected in the title, was to teach cycle tracking to business entrepreneurs, tattoo artists, and creatives alike, so they can learn to maximize the potential of their cycle to “flow” with their business. 

We covered everything from the basics of how to track your cycle, to organizing your life around the patterns of your cyclical moods and hormone changes. 

The class was just under two hours, and attendees received a goody bag, with a small introductory workbook, a piece of chocolate, a sticker and button with my womb artwork, and more! One lucky winner received a golden ticket which won them an entire free cycle charting box set, a value of $50! 

Are you ready to stop letting yourself and others use the menstrual cycle as a weapon against you, and start using it as a powerful tool in your life? I have been ready for this, from the day I started my first bleed. Let me help guide you to do the same, and we can continue this beautiful education for our future generations.

If you would like to have me teach this same type of class or similar at your business or event, please email me at themysticalwomb@gmail.com 








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